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Category Name: Bellows Seal Globe Valve
Product name: Din Standard Bellows Seal Globe Valve(nrs)

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Newton Operation Center in Northwest China has been established!

Take a key step towards the goal of "overall system solution service provider"! Newton Trap Workshop is officially launched! Newton Operation Center in Northwest China has been established!
On April 27, steam trap processing center, steam dynamic testing and other intelligent equipment brought in at great cost have been delivered to the newly established steam trap workshop and started commissioning. Four days earlier, on April 23, Newton and Xi'an Tangtai Technology signed a cooperation agreement, and Tangtai Technology was responsible for the newly established Newton Operation Center in Northwest China. The establishment of the new steam trap workshop and Operation Center in Northwest China marks Newton's key step towards the goal of "overall system solution service provider "!

New Equipment in the Steam Trap Workshop
As a benchmark enterprise of bellows valve industry in domestic China, Newton's products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, power, military, manufacturing, new energy, new materials and other industries amd in high temperature, high pressure, highly toxic, strong corrosion, ultra-low temperature, energy saving and environmental protection and other fields, it has leading advantages such as well-designed, safe and reliable, zero leakage, etc., and paintings have excellent performance in steam systems. However, Newton's corporate goal is to become an industry leader and a century-old enterprise. It is hoped that the team's joint efforts will make the Newton brand an excellent national brand from the domestic to the world. Thus, the company has increased brand building and built a medium- and long-term development strategy for the brand. The brand's phased goals have been gradually established from "bellows valve expert" to "overall system solution service provider."
At the same time, the company has set two routes for brand development: one is to enrich the product line and enhance the system products production capacity; the other one is to expand the marketing network and enhance the brand marketing ability. The company has made long-term exploration and unremitting efforts for this purpose. The successful construction and production of the steam trap workshop and the establishment of the operation center in Northwest China are the results of the company's phased efforts, which shows that in the process of becoming the iconic brand in bellows valve, Newton have been further upgraded its advantages of technology & research,  brand accumulation, talented team, and intelligent manufacturing, and deep-rooted in specific industries, Newton have realized to be an overall steam system solution provider in design, energy-saving transformation, development and production of series products and brand marketing 

Plan of Lever Float Ball Steam Trap (left) and Inverted Bucket Steam Trap (right)
It is understood that to set up the steam trap workshop, Newton united with domestic authoritative experts in the steam field, and after full domestic and international market research, the future development trend of the steam system, especially the industry pain points, and the problems encountered in the actual operation of the system, will apply various technical parameters to R & D and product. A huge amount of capital and manpower has been invested, and it has received strong support from relevant research institutes. Tangtai Technology, which serves as the operating center in Northwest China, is Newton's partner for many years. It is a rare professional steam system energy-saving service provider in China. It has been committed to providing systematic steam energy-saving services for enterprises over the years. The cooperation and upgrade of the two parties will not only perfectly combine technology, products and services, and form a strong cooperative alliance to speed up the expansion of Northwest market, but also help to achieve Newton's goal of "overall system solution service provider".

Fighting COVID-19 Together for a Shared Future

Earlier this year, the nobel coronavirus suddenly hit Wuhan, Hubei, and it spread rapidly in mainland China. Masks have become essential materials for people to fight the epidemic. In the most difficult times in China, many countries helped us by donating masks, protective clothing, gloves, disinfectants and other supplies to against the virus. Now when the epidemic situation in mainland China gradually eases, the COVID-19 cases rise overseas. Given China's experience, providing fast, accurate testing and right personal protective equipment for medical professionals is the most effective way to prevent the virus spread. 
We, Newton Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. also would like to offer some humble help and donate some masks to our friends abroad. We hope that we can go through the hard time together and get rid of the haze of the epidemic as soon as possible.

News report on the epidemic situation in Zhejiang Province 2020.03.17

1 newly confirmed imported case of COVID-19 was reported in Zhejiang Province on Mar.16th. 3 more patients have been cured and discharged from hospital.
As of 24:00 of Mar.16th, 1232 cases have been reported in Zhejiang, including 15 imported cases from overseas. As of present, 1 patient has died, and a total of 1216 patients have been cured and discharged from hospital.

De 0h à 24h du 16 mars 2020, 1 nouveau cas de COVID-19 a été dépisté dans le Zhejiang (qui est le cas importé) et 3 personnes étaient guéries et sorties de l’hôpital. Le cas confirmé est à Hangzhou.
Jusqu’à 24h du 16 mars 2020, le Zhejiang a totalisé 1232 cas confirmés de Covid-19 (dont 15 cas importés), 1 mort et 1216 cas guéris et sortis de l’hôpital.


En las 24H del 16 de marzo, la Provincia de Zhejiang había confirmado 1 caso nuevo de neumonía causada por el COVID-19 ( de origen extranjero) en Hangzhou y 3 pacientes dados de alta hospitalaria.
Hasta las 24:00 del 16 de marzo se habían confirmado un total de 1232 casos de la enfermedad en la provincia (15 importados del extranjero), 1 caso fallecido y 1216 dados de alta.

2020년3월 16일 0~24시 사이 절강성은 코로나19 감염으로 인해 신규 확진환자는 1명이고(해외에서 유입된 환자이다) 신규 퇴원환자는 3명이다.3 월 16일 24시 기준으로, 절강성은 코로나19 감염으로 확진된 환자수가 총 1232명이며(그중 해외에서 유입된 환자는15명 포함),사망자가 1명, 퇴원환자가 1216명으로 집계되었다.

Am 16.03.2020 (00 Uhr bis 24 Uhr) hat es einen neuen bestätigten Fall von mit dem Coronavirus infizierten Personen in der Provinz Zhejiang gegeben. Der Fall wurde aus Übersee importiert. Drei Erkrankte konnten das Krankenhaus inzwischen wieder verlassen.
Am 16.03.2020 (bis 24 Uhr) wurden in der Provinz Zhejiang insgesamt 1232 bestätigte Fälle geführt, davon wurden 15 aus Übersee importiert. Insgesamt starb eine Person. 1216 Personen konnten sich bislang von der Krankheit erholen.

Dalle ore 0:00 alle ore 24:00 del 16 marzo 2020, è stato accertato 1 caso nuovo di COVID-19(importato dall’estero), e 3 pazienti sono guariti e dimessi. Il caso nuovo confermato è a Hangzhou.
Fino alle ore 24:00 del 16 marzo, il numero totale di casi confermati è arrivato a 1232 nello Zhejiang ( di cui 15 casi importati dall’estero). Tra le persone contagiate, è 1 morto , e 1216 pazienti sono stati dimessi dagli ospedali.

Русский язык
На 16-ого марта (0-24 часа) 2020 года, в провинции Чжэцзян зарегистрирован 1 новый подтвержденный случай заражения пневмонией, вызванной коронавирусом нового типа (приехавший из-за рубежа), 3 новых случая выписки из больницы. Среди новых подтвержденных случаев: 1 случай в городе Ханчжоу.
На 24 часа 16 марта в провинции Чжэцзян всего 1232 подтвержденных случаев заражения пневмонией, вызванной коронавирусом нового типа (из них 15 новых подтвержденных случаев заражения пневмонией, приехавшие из-за рубежа), 1 случай смерти, 1216 человек были выписаны из больниц после выздоровления.

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